While Y’all are salivating over ‘Dat influx of Femme Fatales competing in this past weekend’s ARCA Rollerball Derby… You may wish to note that another female, who I’ve previously scribbled about opening the door for the likes of DannaCar ‘N Others, named Lyn St. James was also recently in DayToner spearheading a Women in Motor Racing exhibit being funded and overseen by the fine “FoMoCo” folks of Dearborn, while St. James did the research for the project with the assistance of Graduate Students of Indy’s IUPUI College...
So I guess it was nice to read in the above (original) story that I’d gotten my facts correct on the Damsel le France affectionately known as ‘Helle Nice, which you can read all ‘bout her, Sarah, Milka and Sheez! Even DannaCar in my No Fenders story;
Women in Racing: The Centennial Years (2009 Edition)
Ah, the Freakin’ Internetz... As I was searching in vain to remember how to ‘speel Helle Nice’s name, knowing I’d scribbled ‘bout her several times previously, I was a bit disappointed to find that my original top web link above had morphed forward to 2013 and hence left the original Helle Nice article toasted; URGH!
Yet whilst surfing thee all knowing world wide web thingy, I came across the following feel good story, about how this ex-dancer, poverty stricken and long forgotten female racer’s marker-less grave oversight has since been corrected...