Thursday, July 25, 2024

F1: The Garagists era, Walter Wolf and Friends

When anybody with enough Dinero’ could start His own formula 1 team…


Obviously, I highly doubt this could transpire in today’s Formula 1 climate. As just ask Michael Andretti how difficult it is to be granted membership into the F1 Fraternity!


Yet the 1970’s were a totally different era, prior to Uncle Bernaughty, nee Messer Bernard Charles Ecclestone’s forty year reign as F1 Supremo, when anybody with the right amount of cash could go motor racing in thee Pinnacle of Motorsports by simply buying a racecar and de riggour Ford Cosworth DFV V-8…


Thomas Alexander Fermor-Hesketh, better known as Lord Hesketh was once such individual with a keen passion for motor racing. Initially setting up Hesketh Racing in the lower “Junior” Formula 3 series in 1972, in conjunction with Anthony “bubbles” Horsley as the team’s driver.


The team quickly gained a reputation for it’s flamboyant Playboy style, and Lord Hesketh employed James Hunt as it’s second F3 driver. With “Hunt the Shunt” and “bubbles” destroying both racecars before Horsley retired from the cockpit.


Hesketh ran Hunt “solo” for the remainder of the 1972 Formula 2 season in March and Surtees chassis. Yet Lord Hesketh, running His race team out of His Family estate’s stables, concluded the ocst between F2 and Formula 1 were minimally different and therefore decided to enter F1 for 1973.


Beginning with a “rental” Surtees for Hunt, Hesketh bought a March 731 F1 chassis along with employing young March Engineer Harvey Postlethwaite to modify its March chassis. With the team making it’s debut at that year’s Monaco Grand Prix.


For 1974 Postlethwaite designed the brand new Hesketh 308, which Hunt scored three third place finishes with.


1975 would be Hesketh’s Formula 1 zenith, with Postlethwaite’s upgraded Hesketh 308B winning the  team’s lone race at the Dutch Grand Prix, with Hunt holding off Ferrari’s Niki Lauda…


Yet at season’s end, Lord Hesketh decided He could no longer afford to bankroll the F1 team that had run without sponsors. Seeing Hunt replace the departing Emerson Fittipaldi at McLaren, and Postlethwaite taking His Hesketh 308C design to the rival Wolf Williams Racing concern.


Canadian Oil Magnate Walter Wolf, who’d attended multiple Grands Prix during the ’75 F1 season. Decided to invest into the struggling Frank William Racing Cars concern, which desperately needed a cash infusion! Taking a 60% ownership stake, but leaving Frank as the team manager.


Wolf also bought the assets of Hesketh Racing, with Postlethwaite’s moving to Wolf Williams as its Chief Engineer. Along with His latest Hesketh design becoming known as the Wolf Williams FW05 with Jacky Ickx and Michel Leclere as it’s initial drivers.


Although later Wolf Williams driver Arturo Merzario would be instrumental in saving Niki Lauda’s life at the legendous’ Nurburgring August 1st. Being credited with undoing Lauda’s seatbelt during His Ferrari being engulfed in flames!


As it’s hard to believe that its now over a decade since ‘lil Ronnie Howard’s most excellent film simply titled Rush, depicting the epic battle of Hunt v Lauda was released. Which is definitely worth checking out…


At seasons end, Wolf decided to reorganize the team, dumping Fraink Williams from His managerial role, ultimately buying the remaining 40% shares in Wolf Williams, which became rebranded as Walter Wolf Racing.


Being disillusioned by this turn of events, Williams along with Patrick Head set-up Williams Grand Prix Engineering and the rest is History…


On an interesting sidenote, Lord Hesketh sold 308 racing chassis in 1975 to privateers Harry Stiller Racing and Polar Caravans, the latter being for the totally unknown Swedish F1 hopeful Torsten Palm.


As Palm would finish tenth in his lone F1 race outing at his Home Grand Prix at Anderstorp.


As little did I know that I’d actually get to visit Anderstorp once, which I fondly cherish now over a decade ago! Nor that I’d meet ‘lil Stevie Johnson, aka Stefan Johansson nearly a year later at Indianapolis during it’s maiden Legends Day outing…


Meanwhile Harry Stiller would enter His Hesketh 308B for Aussie’ Alan Jones, making His F1 debut at that year’s Spanish Grand Prix. As Jones would race four times aboard the Hesketh, with a lone finish of P11 at the Swedish Grand Prix.


As Jones would go onto net Williams it’s Debutante F1 World championship in 1980, with the ground effects FW07 chassis.


Interestingly, Hesketh Racing would soldier on for a further two years in Formula 1 under the leadership of Horsley, who’d become its team manager following His retirement from racing. With the Hesketh team garnering much publicity due to its being sponsored by Penthouse magazine, with Guy Edwards as it’s primary driver during ’76. Racing with updated Hesketh 308D’s, which were reworked Hesketh 308C’s from the previous season. 

Monday, July 22, 2024

Walter wolf’s other Racing Team

As Betcha Y’all didn’t know He sponsored a Motorcycle race team, Eh?


Talk about the ultimate Rags to Riches story, and one such character has to be Walter wolf. For which any Diehard F1 Afficionado will recall the name from the owner of His Formula 1 team during the mid-1970’s.


According to Car & Driver’s Brendan McAleer , Wolf, now 84, made His moneyduring the 1970’s by successfully speculating upon North Sea Oil.


And Wolf’s penchant for gambling won Him a Ferrari 512BB on a handshake bet with Il Commendatore, nee Enzo Ferrari! With the bet being over the outcome of the 1977 Monaco Grand Prix. Which Jody Scheckter won aboard His Wolf-Ford Cosworth DFV V-8 racecar. With the podium rounded out by Ferrari’s Niki Lauda and Carlos Reutemann being second and third.


Whenever I can, since Car & Driver has a nasty habit of routinely cutting off it’s “News-feed” to the NFB’s Newsline for The Blind telephone service. Which currently has been out of circulation since Gory May 5th; Come on Car & Driver, Quit being Putzes!


Although I’m happy to say that the content issue’s been resolved for now. Yet like I said, this is a reoccurring problema, but I digress…


Thus apparently Wayback’ in late December, 2022, I learned of a rare 1986 Suzuki RG500 Gamma Walter Wolf motorcycle up for auction on the Bring A Trailer website over the Christmas holiday. For which I tend to recall the scooter’s owner was in Washington…


Naturally I’d never heard of the Suzuki RG500 Gamma Walter wolf motorcycle, which were produced as tribute bikes for two years between 1986-87.


With the author noting this big bore two stroke motorcycle being barely street legal! Finished in the traditional dark blue, gold and red colour scheme of Walter Wolf Racing. With the 498cc “Thumper” sporting four individual carberators

And silencers producing 95bhp, with an 11,000RPM redline.


Reportedly Wolf in collabouration with Suzuki, formed a motorcycle racing team in the early 1980’s. With Japanese rider Masaru Mizutani winning the ’82 500cc All Japan motorcycle championship.


Yet the motorcycle Walter wolf Racing team’s history is murky at best. Since the further I attempt finding information, the more “Breadcrumbs” I find. With Wolf racing Suzuki’s as early as 1980, along with Mizutani competing in two F.I.M. GP500 Motorcycle Championship events in 1986. Aboard you guessed it, an RG500 Gamma, albeit reportedly only being produced between 1981-84.


As the latter Gamma model owes its lineage to its RG500 predecessor, which debuted in 1974. And with considerable testing effort by Barry Sheene, the Britain would go onto win the F.I.M. GP500 World championship twice in 1976-77.


Then Suzuki’s RG500 Gamma would win two further GP500 World Championships between 1981-82, with Marco Lucchinellsi and Franco Uncini respectively.


Making it even murkier, was stumbling into another Wolf Gamma “Scooter” having been sold on Bring A Trailer previously. This time being a 1985 Suzuki RG250 Gamma Walter wolf example…


And according to the Walter Wolf World website, the Canadian business tycoon actually had “tribute” Suzuki models of RG50, RG250, RG400 and other Suzuki models sold in His Wolf Racing livery during this timeframe. 

Friday, July 19, 2024

The Travails of being a Blind Blogger

And Chasing one’s Tail in pursuit of Motor Racing. Hmm, is it over to the right? Nope, that’s not it, Huh?


Funny how many emotions I recently experienced over the weekend when Tacoma Bureau Chief Mary Ellen and Her recocious Hoond Hang 10’ Hilo made an unexpected visit over Ye Gory Fourth ‘O July weekend…


Nah, No when you’re strange James Morrison or Life’s A Bowl of chocolates Forrest Gump references here. As my emotional gambit had nothing to do with Mary Ellen, just some internal strife I’m working thru.


And it was funny, sort Ha Ha, Not! How it was actually Hoter here in Bumfiddle’ Florence vs. Mid-Ohio, Yikes! Even though the Oregon coast was nearly some twenty degrees cooler than inland, which were experiencing triple digit temperatures, aye Karumba!


Another funny thing for Mwah is how much I still allow my No Fenders Blob’ as ‘good Ol Awntie’ Harriet called it to rule my life! Even though this keeps me “connected” to de Vurld de Motorsporten Ja Ja!


Thus I found myself consumed by three competing motorsport series once again. Naturally led by IndyCar at Mid-Ohio, where the debut of their long anticipated Hybrid system debut finally occurred…


While the MotoGP race from Der Sachsenring weighed upon my mind. Sitting at my dining room table eating breakfast, Oh Shit turn on thy Telie! Tuning in with nine minutes to spare before going Green for Saturday’s Sprint race. Which my Numero Uno MotoGP rider Jorge Martin won!


And then IndyCar Qualifying began at High Noon here upon the West Coast. With that pesky Alex Palou pipping my Numero Uno IndyCar driver Pato O’Ward by 24-thousandths for Pole! Which naturally Pato said was Annoying during His postQualie’ radio interview. Apparently telling the Folks on NBC that Palou had gone to the Porta Potty just before Qualifying began, Hya!


Whilst my Numero Doce IndyCar driver Davey Malukas massively overperformed by claiming third overall, and making the Fast six Shootout in only His second race of the season!


As Formula 1 felt like an afterthought, albeit I perked up after hearing via my NFB Newsline for The Blind’s telephone service that Boo Hoo, poor MaxiMillions had struggled at Bloody Silverstone after encountering a gravel trap during Qualifying, Hurrah!


Having to settle for fourth on the grid behind three Bloody Brits, ergo George Russell, Lewis Hamilton and Lando Norris. Meaning this could actually be an entertaining F1 race. Enticing me to do something “wild ‘n Crazy!” And set the alarm clock for 6:45AM in order to “watch”, Err listen to the race live Sunday morning.


Strangely, since I’m not a fan of any of these four drivers, with three fourths of F1’s Brat Pack represented! I supposed I should have been rooting for the Old Goat, nee Golden Child, aka sir Lewis. Although I didn’t want to “See” Him break another of Der Terminator’s, nee Michael Schumacher’s fleeting records…


Thus I found myself strangely rootin’ instead for that Cheeky Bugger Lando Norris, even though I easily tire of His wingeing! But Max and George Russell just rub me the wrong way more for some unknown reason…


Cannot say it was a stellar or great race, but it was certainly gripping with the changing weather conditions and actual ontrack passes by All of the front runners. As I enjoyed Lando coming from fourth after dropping a place to Bosom buddy Verstappen, to taking the lead. And then teammate Oscar Piastri made it an McLaren 1-2, before pit strategy ruined the Aussie’s race.


But with a second rain shower approaching and everyone switching onto intermediate rubber before switching back to slicks. Hamilton jumped Norris on the final pit stop and never looked back!


While Verstappen and Red Bull made the right tyre call with Max motoring past Lando on Hard Pirelli’s, with Lando incorrectly choosing soft tyres and finishing third instead.


After the podium interviews with Bloody Jense’ (Button) where not surprisingly Verstappen failed to congratulate His Arch nemesis Lewis! I immediately switched over to the MotoGP race and was dismayed to hear the Pundits saying that (Jorge) Martin had crashed out while leading, WTF!


Gifting the win to title protagonist Pecco Bagnaia, who now leads the points standings, Sigh! While The Pinball wizard Marc Marquez went from P13 to second, one place ahead of His younger brother Alex.


This left me with just some 51mins; How ‘bout that Toby Sowery, eh? Until the start of IndyCar Radio’s pre-race coverage. My favourite part of the pre-race – when they talked to 19 of the 27 IndyCar drivers.


The race began on  a strange note, with none other than Scott dixon’s Hybrid system deciding to rapidly deploy itself multiple times on the parade lap, leaving the Kiwi’ stalled ontrack, and unable to restart His racecar. As this would be the day’s only yellow flag for two laps before the race went green.


The first half of the race seemed headed in another boring procession with pole sitter Alex Palou running off ‘n hiding from the field, before things finally got interesting after the first pit stop of the day. When second place Pato O’Ward was able to Hunt down Palou and erase the Spaniard’s nearly seven seconds advantage!


Then O’Ward and McLaren brilliantly used the “Undercut” by pitting a lap earlier. Along with Palou partially stalling in pitlane for O’Ward to take the lead from Palou with 24-laps remaining!


As I sat glued to thy Confuzer’s sound bar with two sets ‘O fingers crossed chanting Go-PATO-GO! With the Mexican driver holding off a never relenting Palou, who did everything possible to attempt regaining the lead! Not to mention O’Ward and Palou being bottled up behind traffic for the last 14-laps!


But a joyous and physically spent O’Ward didn’t put a wheel wrong and won by just under a half second! Scoring His first true ontrack victory since Iowa’s Race-2 on July 24, 2022, Aye Karumba!


Drive of the Day definitely goes to Dale Coyne Racing’s No. 51 rookie Toby Sowery making His IndyCar debut without any testing or knowledge of how the Hybrid system worked! Going from P24 to finishing 13th! One place behind David Malukas…


As Malukas unfortunately stalled His engine during the race’s first pitstop, keeping Him from a Top-10 finish. Which many drivers struggled with the taller first gear necessitated by the Hybrid system and gearing needed ontrack due to the track’s repaving…


And that doesn’t even include the weekend’s Madison Governor’s Cup Unlimited Hydroplane race, where a pathetic five boats showed up. And the referees were embarrassed by not knowing the Qualifying rules, Butterfingers! Hmm, wonder who won? 

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

MOTO GP: the Forgotten Championship?

As the title fight tightens up between two Ducati riders…


Unless there’s a MotoGP race weekend that doesn’t conflict with IndyCar Broadcast-wise, I tend to lose track of the latest news surrounding it. Especially since I still haven’t managed to find a decent MotoGP News website that works favourably with my screen reader, “Zoey the Princess Warrior”.


With an “Off” weekend IndyCar-wise, I decided to tune into both the TT Circuit Assen’s MotoGP sprint and main races a Fortnight ago.


And whilst I wasn’t surprised that Pecco’ Bagnaia swept the weekend, and continues to claw His way back towards the championship points lead. Emulating Max Verstappen with a “clean” sweep of the weekend by leading every single session, i.e.; practice, qualifying and both races wire-to-twire!


Now trailing Jorge Martin by only 10 markers following the Dutch Grand Prix, having shaved eight points off of Martin’s ever shrinking points lead at Assen. While Martin hopes to stem the tide at the following Sachsenring round in Germany.


I was surprised by the news that Prima Pramac Racing is leaving Ducati after a twenty year partnership to become Yamaha’s new Satellite team for 2025.


Yet Pramac will receive current Factory spec machinery, giving Yamaha four current Scooters’ on the grid to speed-up development of the YZR-M1, in hopes of returning Yamaha back to the podium’s top step.


As there’s no word on who Pramac’s riders will be next year, albeit the team sounds like they want experienced riders versus rookies next year. Giving KTM’s recently ousted Jack “thriller” Miller and others good opportunity for next season, with Miguel Oliverira’s name having also been mentioned.


As Franco Morbidelli sounds somewhat resigned to not returning to Pramac next year, leading me to believe they’ll have an all new rider line-up next season…


Meanwhile Aprilia announced that Marco Bezzecchi will join Jorge Martin as it’s two werks’ rider for next year, with both signed to de riggour “Multi-year” (two year) contracts…


This sees Maverick “Top gun” Vinales joining “the Beast” Enea Bastianini at what will become the rebranded KTM Tech 3 Satellite Squad next year. With Pedro Acosta previously having been announced as Miller’s replacement alongside Brad Binder in the Factory KTM team.


Although KTM a la Yamahhopper’ will supply top-flight Werks’ specification Scooters’ for all four of it’s team riders. Also hoping to make a step forward with it’s RC16 race bikes.


And that’s just some of the latest NotoGP news I’ve learned over the Assen TT race weekend. Whilst I’m certain Thars muc more I’ve missed…


Meanwhile, tuning into the Sachsenring action, Martin put an audacious pass upon Bagnaia during the sprint race, with Michel Oliveira doing likewise. Then holding off Bagnaia to the end of the race to claim His first podium finish of the season, with Bagnaia settling for third place.


Martin gained five points on Bagnaia prior to the main race on Sunday.


Inexplicably, Martin crashed out of the German Grand Prix whilst leading with two laps remaining! And with Bagnaia winning His fourth consecutive MotoGP race, Pecco’ now leads Jorge 222 to 212 points! While Marc Marquez is 56 markers adrift in third with 166 points.


It was Bagnaia’s 200th Grands Prix start, with the Italian rider becoming Ducati’s most successful winner.


While brother Marc and Alex Marquez who finished second and third respectively, becoming the first brother pairing to share a podium since 1997.


As Martin will have a month’s time to rue His mistake. As MotoGP goes on it’s Summer’s “Holiday” until resuming action at Silverstone on august 4th. 

Monday, July 15, 2024

INDYCAR: Robb Walks Away from Big Accident

As four cars were Done Torn Up at race’s end!


It’s pretty sad that Sting Ray robb’s last lap accident aboard the No. 41 A.J. Foyt Enterprises Dallara Chevy was more exciting than the race itself!


As Robb apparently was caught off guard over a slowing Alexander Rossi, whose Arrow McLaren Chevrolet ran out of fuel on the final lap of Sunday’s Iowa IndyCar race.


As Robb clipped Rossi’s rear wheel and was launched skywards, barrel rolling at least twice before coming to a stop upside down upon His Aeroscreen!


After being taken to a nearby local Hospital for further imaging, Robb was released from Hospital and got away with a nasty accident!


Following the race, a terse Rossi when interviewed by IndyCar Radio said He’d run out of fuel when asked what happened? Saying the team just isn’t executing…


Having to make you wonder if Rossi’s somewhat relieved to be leaving Arrow McLaren at season’s end… 

Friday, July 12, 2024

HYDROS: Guntersville Gunk, How to Not “Spool-up” your Sport!

As apparently the H1 Unlimited website got Washed Down by it’s own Roostertail!


Yeah, Y’all are probably Ah-Waitin’ my riveting thoughts upon IndyCar’s first Hybrid race at Mid-Ohio. Whilst the verdict’s still out upon this weekend’s Double Header at Iowa…


Although Marshall Pruett has a very good multi-part article titled Racer’s inside look at IndyCar’s going Hybrid worth reading. Along with Honda Racing’s HRC US Youtube channel having a four part series upon the hybridization of the 2.2-litre engines.


Yet I simply cannot “Back-time” All of my countless stories here upon No Fenders. And surely the hybrid Energy Recovery System (ERS) debut have been covered Ad Nausea, El Correctomundo?


Instead, I’m still fuming over the egregious disregard the sports official website showed while failing to adequately promote their languishing sport during its season’s opening round! Cough-cough, Sputter! Think I must be dipping below the 80mph Planing rule…


What’s that? You say that rule has been abolished? But where have I read about it? As guess I must be having a Fuel Flow violation, Righto? Or getting ready to Blow a Gasket!


So I realize in this day and age of Unlimited – Pun intended, amount of sporting choices for our entertainment. I suppose one cannot gripe about the pathetic quality of live streaming choices offered, Eh?


As may be I’m Cornfuzed? But when the website’s link says Play, wouldn’t you think that would show you what’s happening in real time, instead of taking you to that morning’s “Canned” coverage instead?


I spent the entire weekend, not to mention previous weekday’s trying to figure out why every single time I went to and perused either their Homepage or News tab, Crickets!


As their latest news article was about this year’s APBA Gold Cup moving to San Diego. Topped by the Guntersville Livestream web page. Which listed all of the day’s Heat races start times. But Didn’t show them live when I clicked on play Bastardoes!


Now you’d think that H1 Unlimited would want to get out front of it’s audience and be in Lane-1, the preferred lane when it comes to promoting their sport, wouldn’t Yuhs?


But No, they failed to publish one single article about the Guntersville Hydrofest, i.e.; pre-race or daily race results recaps thru the entire weekend, or as of Monday, July 1st; the last time I checkd their website, WTF!


Not to mention their livestream option not being Live! As I sat thru I dunno, 5-8 minutes of their “Canned” opening montage before realizing it wasn’t live, but the beginning of Sunday morning’s coverage after I’d tried tuning in around 2:22PM Pacific for the live 4:30 Central time Final Heat…


Thus scrambling Ah-Mighty’ to the Intrawoods and searching vainly for the H1 Unlimited Youtube channel. I managed to locate the “live” Sunday afternoon selection, clicked on it and Wallah!


Andrew Tate in the U-91 Miss Goodman Real Estate was leading handidly on the end of lap-3. Meaning I’d missed the All important start and how the race had unfolded, Urgh!


Not to mention the sound quality was Horrendous, and I needed to Jack up the volume some 18+ notches, since my volume increases in levels of two…


Thus I sat Thar bewildered over why H1 Unlimited’s livestream coverage and overall coverage of the season opening race from Guntersville was so G-Damn’ Pathetic!


As I listened to Tate win presumably? Since Thar still wasn’t official word on the H1 Unlimited website that Tate and His Hull had passed Post-tech inspection.


As the battle for second was far more thrilling, with Jamie Milsen in the U-11 Miss Mercury’s coffee holding off J. Michael Kelly in the U-1 Beacon electric. With Dave Villwock in the U-27 Miss Apollo fourth and the last name mentioned being Dustin Echols in the U-40 Bucket List Racing Hydroplane…


Thus I was left Ah-Wonderin’ if only five Unlimited Hydroplanes had made the trip to Guntersville? And what had happened to cory Peabody’s U-9 Beacon Plumbing and the U-6 Miss Madison with Dylan Runn at it’s tiller?


As it shouldn’t be this difficult to discern how many Unlimited Hydroplanes are competing and what Hull and Driver combos they are?


As it only took about a half hours time Sunday evening following the race. Listening to another pathetic sound quality “Canned” Youtube episode with the volume Jacked up thirty levels to be able to barely Hear the two announcers slowly reeling off the six Hydroplanes competing from the Friday Youtube episode.


Which was interrupted by the lead announcer getting all Glassy-eyed over the glorious sounds of a piston powered “Open Stack” Merlin engine! As two of the vintage Miss US Thunderboats’, with an WWII Allison powered V-12 traling close behind warmed up the crowd for Friday testing…


As I finally discovered that just the two Strong Racing Hydros’, the U-1 & U-9 were present. Along with the U-11 Miss Mercury’s Coffee, U-27 Miss Apollo, U-40 Bucket List Racing and the U-91 Miss Goodman Real Estate.


As this totally contradicted with the previous PR “Puff” piece article about the completely brand new Miss Apollo Hydro’ making it’s debut at Tri-Cities.


And then low and behold. When I decided to visit the H1 Unlimited website on Wednesday afternoon, July 3rd, Holy Typewritten Words Batman! The website suddenly had Tate wins at Guntersville posted the day prior. Not to mention having back-filled the other day’s events with post-dated stories…


Although there’s still no explanation on the season’s new rule changes, or why there’s only a single Miss Madison entry, go figure!


As come on H1 Unlimited, get your Act together! As they may be the fastest Boats on water, But your website coverage sure Ain’t Fast! 

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Sports Cars says Not so Fast IndyCar

As we’ve got our own Silly Season still Ah-Simmerin’ away…


On the eve of this year’s Salem Six Hours at The Glen IMSA endurance race. Pipo Derani, Action Express Racing’s (AXR) lead driver mutually announced His impending departure from AXR at season’s end. Becoming the first confirmed driver switching rides for 2025. Being just the latest piece in this ever intriguing puzzle…


Wayback on May 2nd, Racer’s Marshall Pruett wrote about IMSA’s 2025 Silly Season. Most notably divulging that Chip Ganassi Racing (CGR) would not be retaining its factory Cadillac program next year.


Along with the surprising news that Meyer shank Racing (MSR) would be returning to IMSA GTP competition after a year’s hiatus once again with a Werks’ Acura entry, with former MSR IndyCar driver tom blomqvist as its lead driver…


I actually first heard all of this scuttlebutt on  one of the random The Week in sportscars Marshall Pruett and Graham Goodwin podcasts prior to May 2nd.


As Marshall notes in the article how the bulk of this news became fairly accepted Wayback in April, over the Long Beach race weekend. With the other known piece of the puzzle being that Wayne Taylor Racing with Andretti (WTRA) would be taking over the Cadillac Racing program, tying in with Mikey A’s attempts to land a Formula 1 entry with Cadillac Power Units…


Where things get murky for Mwah is I’d Arse-sume that Wayne Taylor & Michael Andretti or WTR Andretti won’t be shrinking back down to a single car entry next year. Since AXR and Cadillac have said nothing about their leaving IMSA GTP next year, and presumably will continue as a single car entry for 2025; meaning there should be three Caddy’s racing next season Stateside.


Ironically, Blomqvist is running All of the Michelin Endurance Cup (MEC) as the #31 Whelen Engineering Racing’s Cadillac entry.


Yet where I get even more Cornfuzed’ is I doubt that MSR will be running a two car Acura ARX-06 program next year, Righto? Making me wonder where the second Acura GTP chassis winds up?


I suppose it’s also worth noting that the FIA announced during Le Mans that beginning next year, all FIA World Endurance Championship (WEC) Hypercar teams will be mandated to running a two car operation. Which Lamborghini has confirmed their WEC participation next year, but don’t know publicly what effect this will have upon their IMSA GTP efforts. As Lamborghini is running a single SC63 in all of the endurance rounds (MEC) this year.


Since even though the Lamborghini SC63 program is run by Iron Lynx, I’ve read or heard somewhere that Prema Racing is also involved in this project. With Prema set to enter IndyCar next year with a two car Chevrolet entry.


This leaves us with at least 50% of the IndyCar teams also racing in IMSA GTP, i.e.; Porsche Penske Motorsport and BMW M Team RLL, (Rahal Letterman Lanigan) along with the forementioned WTR Andretti, MSR and Prema entries.


Making me ponder that Wayne Taylor & Michael Andretti could potentially be running a four car Cadillac program next season, with two entries apiece in IMSA and WED? And could Mikey A’s new Silverstone base double as it’s WEC operation’s base?


Leaving us just wondering if Cheep’ (Ganassi) will manage to find a new Sports Car project for 2025? Or will they take a year’s break before beginning a new program?


And what about McLaren potentially finally joining the Hypercar ranks in 2027? Since I read Zak Brown saying this would most likely be the earliest for them to debut presumably an (Le Mans Daytona Hybrid) LMDH-spec chassis, now that the FIA and the ACO have extended the current Hypercar regulations until the end of 2029. With Zak noting Mclaren would only be interested in a two car WEC Factory programme…


Naturally, after I’d finished this story, on June 27th, it was made official that MSR will take over the Acura GTP program next year with a two car operation, which I didn’t see that coming.


Reportedly MSR will team with HRC US, who’s engineers will run the second Acura ARX-06 entry. With no word on driver line-ups. Other than Blomqvist is expected to be reunited with colin Brown, with the others to be named later.


This just leaves WTR Andretti and Cadillac to confirm their part of the Dealio’, which now seems overly obvious…