Friday, September 18, 2009

All Hail the Sofa King

Not entirely sure of what exactly Jeffie means by paying homage to the “revered” Kosuke Matsuura as the Sofa King… Who’ll roll off from P16 tonight, with the Stickerless Roger Yasukawa starting alongside in P17, while obviously Hideki Mutoh is dreaming of better results after crashing in qualifying…

So does it really say Lazy Boy on the sidepod of Matsuura’s race car? And no word yet on whether or not Mr. BRUT Arute-Arute ran into any Snakes on the plane… Hooh-Ah! Looks like it’s gonna be a bumpy ride, so Ladies ‘N Germs… Please keep those seatbelts fastened at all times just in case we hit any light turbulence…