Or is it as Unlucky as Racing Cars running thou
Shade 'O Green? As how'd that Double Negative turn outs for Yuhs Danica?
Today marks the 13th Anniversary of this
"Award Winning" Blogsite No Fenders Born-on Date, or as thou late
Esteemed Awntie' Harriet Christened it, Thy No Fenders BLOB! Which began
Wayback with the Debutante No Fenders post revolvin' around Christian Klien,
remember him?
And Speaking 'O Revolving, Revolver? Here's a 'lil
Ditty I Stole from The Beatles, as sing It 'Ol Paul, Ah-One and Ah-Two...
I'm Fixing A Flat Tyre...
And Wonderin' where the Air's
leaking Out from, to Stop My Mind Ah-wanderin'
Although It Really Doesn't
Matter where the Hot Air goes...
Just wish the Freakin' light would make up its
Bloody Mind on whether or not to be Bright, Dark, Hazy, in-between, Drizzlin', Hailing,
ah-thunderin' or whatever else Mother Nature can throw at Mwah here upon thou
Isle 'O Nofendersville; CRIKEYS!
As it's been another Wacky Year since moving South
to Thy new bungalow-by-The-Sea, where thoust Winds are always Ah-Blowin'
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1996 Indianapolis 500 winner Buddy Lazier's Autographed obtained at the IMS Flagroom. (The Tomaso Collection) |
As the names of Zachery Claman DeMelo, Pastor
Maldonado and Queen Dan-Dan-Danica Patrick sprang to thoust Cranium...
Although I believe that Queen Danicker's now
busy Hosting Award Shows. Oh Shit! That's right, I forgot she's become one of
NBC's (Nothing But Commercials) Indianapolis 500 Expert Analysts; BARF!
Whilst 'Ol Walldanado' or Crashtor', take
your pick, B-A-M! Err Pastor's now become a fairly decent Sports Car racer,
albeit in the FIA's World Endurance Championship's lower tier LMP2 category.
And Sorry Zach', but You'll always be Zachary
Claman DeMelo to Mwah. Although I can sorta guess
why you shortened your name this year. Especially since Gory Speelchequor'
always wants to change it to Demerol; YIKES!
Who's apparently Ski-Dattled' back to Montreal, or
as 'Ol Awntie' Harriet would correct me, Mont royal! Apparently to continue selling
shoes under his ZCD Brand? Since he left this year's Indy Lights campaign after
the Indy GP weekend.
Alas, A la last
year's riveting No Fenders B-Day shout Out! I simply cannot end the string on
thou Number 13, and instead will attempt Humourin' Y'all for at least another Season,
in honour of TK' Follow-your-Schnoz! Kanaan and 'Ol SuperTex', since Bloody Hell!
My No Fenders Blog Traffic's sufferin' a similar fate in conjunction with A.J.
Foyt Enterprise's Dismal 2019 IndyCar campaign...
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A few assorted ticket stubs from various Portland International Raceway IndyCar races I've attended previously. (The Tomaso Collection) |
VIDEO: Queensryche -Empire Song
Although suppose I sorta Sealed the Dealio
last Fall when electing to forego attending IndyCar's return to Portland, Eh?
Whilst realizing when watching; Err listening
to this year's Grand Prix of Portland; Hmm, still No Title Sponsor? That this
year represents the first time since attending my inaugural IndyCar race at
Portland Wayback in 1987; YOWSA! That it's the first time in 32yrs I haven't
attended a single Car race!
Not to mention, albeit it doesn't happen
nearly enough, especially now that I live just a quick Hop from thou Gory
Pacific Ocean. That I'd rather be walking on the Beach than Stumblin' round a
racetrack; But I Digress...
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Pixie-the-Wonderdog; WUF-WUF! And Tomaso posing in front of Trenches at Washington's Fort Casey State Park, circa 2016. (The Tomaso Collection) |
Even though loading my Gynormous No Fenders
Posts become more 'N more labour intensive when I can S-E-E what I'm Uploading on the Bloody
Confuzer' Screen these Dazes! Especially with the lighting, or is It Thy
Eyeballs? Uhm, Horrendous Glare, Darkness, constantly Shifting light due to the
continuously moving trees Shading thou Windows; URGH!
I do still enjoy poondin' out my riveting No
Fenders tales for Y'all on a weekly basis. Just not the constant Struggle to
S-E-E what I'm typing. Since I Don't think I've mentioned I'm Blind lately,
Righto Mary Ellen?
Tiny Bubbles and A Grass Shack...
Not to Toot Thy Horn too loudly, where are
Yuhs 'lil toot? Even at my diminished Posting pace, Tuh-Duh! I've posted an
amazing 4,000-plus posts here upon No Fenders a Gory 13 years later!
And like Indy Cars OLD-est Blogger Geo.
Phillips say's, I really No longer have any idea how long I'll run the string
out and continue doing this Blogging Gig...
Especially now when My ever decreasing typing
speed, combined with my continuously faltering eyesight makes Blogging more 'N
more challenging each year even before thou Internetz', Blogger.com or Lucy',
my ARSE-Steamed Screen Reader AIN'T acting up or Blowin' Ah-gasket; SHEISA!
Thus per Tipicali, like the Drivers say after
every race, Thanks to The Fans for showing up here in Nofendersville and
reading my eclectic scribblings upon No Fenders!
Whilst this Uber' eclectic mix 'N veritable
Spin Cycle 'O finely honed Thomason' Tex-Mex Jambalaya of Wordsmithing wouldn't
be possible without A-L-L of the Usual suspects continued yearly support.
Led First 'N Foremost by Mary Ellen, followed
by Kuhnaidiun' lass Claire and Blogmeister' Miguel! Along with contributions
from Offical' Photographer CARPETS', Snowbyrd MJ', Randal, Thy Moniker King'
and the Florencians Jeannie & Stevoe'. With continued assistance from Clyde
& Nelie plus the still Mega' Killer official No Fenders logo provided by
Artiste Dave!
VIDEO: We Are All Connected - Song
Oh Yeah, what
would be the point without the countless hours of joyous affection from Thy
Pixolator, Not Purolator Gory Speelchequor DAMN-IT! Aka Pixie-the-Wonderdog;
And lastly, Never Fear,
A-LL 3 of my loyal readers, or is it too? I'm going nowheres for another year, groan;
Hya! Since we All need a little Humour every day...