Monday, May 9, 2011


Its amazing to Mwah how many different versions of some sort of NOT positive negativity I’ve scribbled ‘N deleted over the Bombastic handling of the CONverNbc ASSimulation of the website – which PISSED me OFF royally when it first occurred – to which I might add, was Oh so cleverly done on a Friday... Yuhs know when the News SPIN cycle throws out flamatory info it DOESN’T want anybody in the mainstream media giving attention to...

Thus I find the current MIXED messages INDYCAR’s handing out these dazes to be Oh So Baffling... I mean it seems quite bizarre that your main broadcast partner would redirect  everybody on the WWW to a PEECOCK sports website overflowing with Stick ‘N Ball and NASCAR emblazoned upon it, yet simultaneously launch a new 1hr TV show called IndyCar Open Wheel Weekly... Which happens to be on the same Versus network as the majority of the vaunted Indy Car Series races.

Then there’s this nagging buffoonery over the Dallara Safety Cell AeroKit 2012 racecar, as in the FANS wanna see multiple, DIFFERENT IndyCar chassis competing against each other, I dunno, perhaps like in the 1990’s? When there were actually five different chassis manufacturer running four different engines, as for some reason I’ve been swayed; “Wink-Wink, Nudge-Nudge” that’s exactly what the new 2012 Body-by-Mennen AFX AeroKit era’s gonna due for us... Yuhs knows when a Lotus will look different then a Honda which will look different then a Chevrolet, right?

Sitting down to watch that mesmerizing Open Wheel Weekly Show last Tuesday – Shuzzam! There’s Randy Bernard telling me that even though the current owners voted 15-1 against multiple AeroKit bodies being implemented next year – this AIN’T CART! (Or Champ Car...) And we want to hear what the fans think, what the blogs say, yadda-yadda-yadda...

Yet I’m Cornfuzed? Didn’t we get dragged thru all of this way back one year ago? When we went thru that hole disheartening Delta Wang WaWa scripted belly flopper exercise of choosing the new for 2012 Indy Car... And wasn’t it Unanimous? And haven’t ALL of the competing Indy Car Series Owners known What’s Up since then?

Thus in regards to this new Owners dissent – all I can say is; Oh really? I’d say the fans have already spoken pretty DAMN loudly over what they wanna see; as in a whopping 91+ % response to some Poll thingy; So What? You mean the fans can actually overrule the league and its team owners?

And are you tryin’ to tell me that the new Body-by-Mennen AeroKit carz will really-really-really look RADICALLY DIFFERENT? I mean just how different do the current Formula 1 racecar’s look to the casual fan?

But Hey, Otay then; listen up Mr. Bernard, I wanna see Portland International Raceway return to the IndyCar calendar PRONTO! I want those ‘Beautimuss AeroKit chassis to be called by their REAL names, i.e.; Dallara-Chevrolet, Dallara-Honda and Dallara-Lotus next year or whenever it’s NOT a “Spec” series NO more. I want to see more then 26 cars being the limit at tracks other then Indy. I want to see the rules FAIRLY enforced to ALL competing drivers – whether they be Full-time, Part-time or “One-offer’s,” and I wanna see Milka Duno win the Los Wages World Championship; URGH! Who came up with this CRAp ‘bout World Championships... As I think they already ran those in Monza, Italy nearly a half-century ago, eh?

Oh yeah, and ‘Juan last thingy... I wanna WIN Powerball, drive a Ferrari, be a Millionaire, own BitBurger beer, be a ROCK STAR! – See The Donald attempt to jump OVER the IMS infield off of the Mattel door ramp without getting his hair caught in the Camaroes hubcaps! And I WANT MY MTV!

Whale at least I’ll get to see The Donald, right, sorta, may be? Oh Never Mind...