Monday, March 25, 2019

Lights, Cameras, Smartfones', Apps, Cut, Cut!

Since ARSE-Sumedly even less than ever Open Wheel Racing Fans are Seeing Any Indy Lights action these Days...

"I Want to Hear the Scream of the Butterfly..."

Yeah, suppose you're All Ah-wash' over NBC Sports Darling Colton Herta's surprise victory in Thee B-I-G BOYZ' IndyCar category Sunday at COTA, nee Circuit Of The Americas, Righto?

Which despite (Townsend) T-Bell's ridiculous comment, Colton did indeed Luck into his maiden IndyCar win at COTA, thanxs to a perfectly timed Yellow Flag seeing the two leading cars ahead of him caught out!

Yet how many of Yuhs saw this weekend's Indy Lights action? Even if we're being Hounded by the Media to Quit Whining! Over Indy Cars New & Improved TV Package's DISPARGING LACK 'O Open Wheel Racing Content!

As There's some Folks out Thar whom keep Hammerin' On 'bout how $50 Smackeroos' a year's NO Big Dealio', and that this Pay-2-Play' live Streaming is the wave of the future; BARF!

That said, I just completely FAIL to Understand this overly Apathetic State of Logic regarding IndyCar and Indy Lights Television Broadcasting Shemozzle! As seriously? Thars' not room to show these two Open Wheel Racing categories on "Linear" TV? BUH-BUH-BULLSHIT!

As my Spectrum/Charter "Silver" Cable TV Service currently provides Mwah access up to Channel #775's Motortrend Network! Or at least that's as far as I've gandered, but the point is, Doesn't that imply there's over 700 Bloody TV Channels available? And basically didn't IndyCar, and more succinctly, Holman & Co. and Mark Miles simply take the easy way out vs. really Growing their Product...

Wayback on Feb 28th, I uncharacteristically listened to one of Marshall Pruett's countless Podcasts, since it featured "Thee Viking!" a.k.a. Anders Krohn, and I was hoping it'd shed some light upon where I'd be able to Hear the enthusiastic voice of Anders calling Open Wheel Racing action this year via IndyCar Radio...

Chirp-Chirp, Crickets!

Top-3 Rooks' named by "The Viking!" During his stint on Racer's Marshall Pruett's Feb 27th No. 490 Podcast in alphabetical order were: Americres' Oliver Askew and David Malukas,  and the Netherlands Rinus VeeKay.

By my very unofficial RythMuh-tickin', Thar were a total of 10 competitors on the Grid at St Pete, although like I've already eluded to. I wasn't privy to listening/watching these races due to their being locked behind a nebulous Death Star "404 Error" Access Denied Pay Wall!

Round 1 was won by the Driver with the longest name. What's That Oh KanaDuh? didn't Yuhs get to sees your Boy ZCD', nee Zachary Claman DeMelo winning on the St Pete Temporary Street Circuit?

Whilst the following day's Round 2 race was won by the Hard Chargin' Niederlander' Messer veekay, whose full name is actually van Kalmthout. Makes me think of another "Dutchie" racing driver. Thee notorious Giedo van der Garde, fondly known here in Nofendersville as "Guido-the-Dutchman!"

Van Kalmthout, Van der Garde, Vand de Kamps'; Bakerman, Bakerman, Bake Me a Cake; Oh Never Mind! Inside Joke Thar...

As Rinus Hails from Hoofddorp, Holland. Whom I've scribbbled briefly about previously here on No Fenders in;

BN Racing/Team Pelfrey, or is it Team Pelfrey/BN Racing? Ran Indy Lights Rookie Englishman Toby Sowery, who was the outstanding Driver of the weekend in St Pete, behind the wheel of the No. 2 which has been Team Pelfrey's traditional numeral over thou years in Indy Lights, albeit I've since learned BN Racing was helping Dale Pelfrey run in his home race.

Yet making Sowery's Debutante Lights outing even more impressive was the fact that he was only offered the ride just over one week before the season commenced! Which apparently is only slated for the season's first two weekends, albeit after his Double Podiuming at St Pete, it'd be a shame for him to not run a full Lights campaign.

Then again, perhaps All of this is simply Academic? Since I totally Fail to See how Indy Lights with its Paltry Grid of 10 cars, and now the total lack of any meaningful Mainstream Media coverage, i.e.; easily accessible (Linear) Cable TV programming will ever enable the Sport to Grow?

"I Want to Hear, I Want to Hear, The Scream of the Butterfly..."

James Douglas Morrison
The Doors: When The Music's Over - Strange Days, 1967

As Dare I Say It? The Saudi's apparently Get It! Having just announce concluding a five year agreement to Air Formula 1 on "Free-to-Air" Cable TV in the Middle East; Oh Never Mind!