Sunday, January 1, 2017

Audi seeking to "Play Golf" upon the Moon

As surely I-T won't be using any 'O that GURR-REAT Audi Diesel technology, eh? Although those crafty electronic controls manipulations should be value added towards thou zero gravity environment, where emissions are secondary...

Was pretty surprised to stumble across the news via Car & Driver Magazine via my NFB Newsline for The Blind telephone service this past December; Huh? Audi going to the Moon, what's that A-L-L 'bout, eh?

And while I'll refrain from this being a clever PR ploy to shift Attenzione away from those  Diesel Spewin' Emissions Defeating cars en masse, apparently a group 'O Audi Engineers and German Scientists have been hard at work the past two years creating the Ingolstadt brand's own Moon Buggy,; Err Lunar Quattro' naturally, not to be Cornfuzed with those past hyper diesel (R18) E-Tron Quattro's...

With plans calling for a Space Flight Inc. flight to set down their landing module near Tranquility Base; Err the Valley of Taurus-Littro - where the last Moon Buggy from Apollo 17's 1972 mission lingers - 45yrs after America's last manned Moon mission.

Meanwhile I'm pretty sure, albeit it's over a year's time now since I read; Err listened to I-T, but; pretty darn certain that the oldest living Moonwalker, and King 'O Bling; Uhm, Cool, nee Edwin Buzz' Aldrin noted that Alan Shepard has already played golf on the Moon, when he took a golf club up with him during his Apollo 14 Moon mission.

As Aldrin's autobiography Magnificent Desolation is a wonderful book definitely worth the read...

Whilst surely; Hey Don't call me Shirley; Oh Never Mind! Y'all heard 'bout John Glenn, one of those original Mercury 7 Spacemen, including fellow Astronaut Shepard, having passed away last December 8th at the age of 95.

As ironically, Dec 8 is the day that John Lennon was so cruelly, and undeservedly gunned down in New York 36 years ago...

Whilst if Lennon's too analytical fro Y'all, then perhaps you'll wish to RAP with that Oh, So Cool Moonwalker Buzz instead, since after all; All Yuhs need is...