Thursday, November 22, 2012

Another Turkey-lurkey salute...

Yep, its ‘Dat time again, ‘Whale almost... As your humble No Fenders scribe should be back from wingin’ his waze ‘Westwards from the Lone Star state “Justin-time for that traditional Yankee Doodle holiday known as Thanksgiving, albeit I’m flashing back to that humourous story about a certain fowl terrorizing the New Jersey turnpike previously when thinkin’ about turkey...

Having heard ‘Ol ‘Scooter, aka Scott Pruett awhile back upon duh Speed Freaks after having won his fifth Grand Am championship, all for his boss thee ‘Cheepster... (Chip Ganassi) And his eleventh title overall; naturally duh Freaks had to ask Pruett when they’d be getting some of his box-wine; Hya!

As Y’all may know, Pruett produces his own vino as a hobby, and apparently even creates championship edition Cuvee’s, whatever the H-E Double Hockey sticks that is? As I’m certainly NO wine conna-sewer; Hya!

SPEED FREAKS: Scott Pruett Interview

Thus, with it being Turkey-lurkey day, I’m planning to enjoy a glass or three of some fine Hedges Chardonnay at thee family gathering tonight, so enjoy Y’all! Or you may wish to sample the wares of some other motorsports figures listed below...