Friday, December 25, 2015

Happy Tidings - 2015...

A Brace of Winners! As a "Younger" Tomaso poses with a venerable Double Winning entity at Mother Speedway's Hall of Fame museum. (The Tomaso Collection)
It's that time once again Y'all, to be merry, enjoy family, friends 'N acquaintances  near & abroad... As your hard workin' No Fenders scribe Tomaso and his two ably bodied assistants thou Mad Molly and Thy Pixolator wish Y'all  Happy Holidays from Nofendersville!

As it's hard to believe that I'm closing out year Numeral Nine; Aye Karumba! Alas, as typical this time 'O year, when Daylight's scarce - I'm simply burned out (Due to the ENORMITY 'O STRAIN posting these riveting No Fenders tales 'O mine upon thy P.O.S. platform causes my faltering eyes!, neck & back) and just don't have the desire or energy, mostly energy to post the cadre of unfinished stories awaitin' bottling; Ya Sure Yuhs Betcha!

Hereinto, which is what speel checker likes to try changing Rio Haryanto's name to; Hya! Since there's only 227 Dazes remaining 'til IndyCar cranks U-P again; Hya!

Thus, I'll leave Y'all with a few "Justin-time" uncorked Posts over the next few weeks, since as the legendous' Dandy Don once sang;

Pair 'O No Fenders head scribe Tomaso's favourite Indy Cars at Mother Speedway's Hall of Fame museum, Circa 2011. (The Tomaso Collection)
Henceforth, like that long defunct black 'n white paper magazine I once subscribed to yearly known as Ontrack, I'm taking a two weeks Winter's Slumber and will return on Monday, January 11, 2016.

And as always, Thanxs to all three  of my loyal readers; Hooah! Err, a B-I-G' THANK YOU SHOUT OUT to everybody who reads or supports  No Fenders and see Y'all next year...

Salutations, Felice Navidad and Merry Kringle, Y'all!

Or like those fabulous Hosers' from Up North say, this one's empty, so Take Off Eh!

(Photos Courtesy of No Fenders ‘Offical Photographer ‘CARPETS)