Monday, December 10, 2012

INDYCAR: Why Don’t you Air your Belated Champions Roast Nationally?

That thought occurred to me upon listening to (reading) Jenna Fryer’s piece written Monday, Dec 3 - about IndyCar gaining some “Chirp Chirp” much needed momentum behind The Captain’s calling out of Tony Stewart to run next year’s Indy 500 during his celebratory NASCAR Sprint Cup trophy presentation.

Thus, although I already knew thee answer - nope, its not three, thy number shall be six, the number after four, as that Monty Python skit has come pummeling towards me like a snowball; Oh Never Mind! Where were thoust before going adrift? Oh yeah, I checked my TV listings guide for humour on the appropriate banquet day; Thurs, Dec 6th - nearly three whole months after FAST EDDIE won the Fontana finale, (Sept 15) remember that? Along with RHR winning the title; SIGH! And discovered the following programs on the two most appropriate cable television channels...

4-6PM: Boxing
6-7PM: Costas tonight
7-7:30PM: Fight Night 36
7:30-8:30PM: Costas tonight (Replay?)
8:30-9PM: CNBC Sports Biz
9-10PM: NFL Turning Point

4-4:30PM: PassTime
4:30-5PM: PassTime
5-6PM: Car Warriors
6-6:30PM: Wrecked
6:30-7PM: Wrecked
7-7:30PM: Pinks
7:30-8PM: Pinks
8-9PM: Car Warriors (Replay)
9-9:30PM: Wrecked (Replay)
9:30-10PM: Wrecked (Replay)
10-10:30PM: Pinks (Replay)
10:30-11PM: Pinks (Replay)
(All Times Pacific for Thurs, 12/06 comca$t cable)

Now I wasn’t expecting the banquet to be on SPEED, since after all the Peacock-lite (NBCSN) is its competition, not to mention thee home of the all powerful 869lb ‘RASSCAR Gorilla... Yet WTF NBC Sports Network, I mean talk about growing a product; Err to borrow from above, chirp-chirp, is this thingy on? Testing 1-2; Oh Never Mind!

Seriously, though? You couldn’t devote let’s say three hours to an IndyCar banquet - especially since we haven’t seen or heard nary a peep from almost the entire Indy Car Series competitors since the season ended 43-weeks ago; as I’d have enjoyed seeing Willie Buxom (Will Buxton) as Master of Ceremonies provided it didn’t turn into a 4hr infomercial!

Uhm, I almost forgot who won the title, except for the stupendous frothing over having an American as thee Champ after a six year drought... OOH! Did the red, white & blue win ‘Somme-thun other than RASSCAR? Uh, pinch me - as gee Wally, I’m starting to get a headache over this U-S-A crap! I mean other than Indy, why wouldn’t they go to the higher paying confines ‘O Roundy-round, eh? I mean isn’t that what good ‘Ol USA Capitalism is all about?

And it frightens me somewhat? Hya! That apparently thee ‘DAWG or is it ‘Dom of IndyCar bloggers; hey, I know he’s not thy O-L-D-est Indy Car blogger since Geo Phillips has anointed himself that crown; BUTT! Either there’s seriously little IndyCar reporting in mainstream America or shockingly thy pressdog and your humble No Fenders scribe assimilate our Open Wheel Racing news via the same sources, i.e.; good ‘Ol fashion newspapers; YIKES! Although PD beat me as typical to the potential buzz kill story over the middle of the Road to Indy sandwich falling out; umm sprinkles... (As never fear the tenderloin sandwiches are still safe I hear...) With the possible demise of Star Mazda for 2013 having just been announced a scant two-plus days prior to the banquet...

Hmm? May be Chris Yano - who’s slated to make his series debut next spring could entice his sponsor posse SK Energy drinks to take it over short term? I mean Yano’s big bucks sponsor could do like that ‘Ol Remington dude with his Brickyard Marketing concern, Y’all know the guy who used to pitch to us via TV-land that he not only liked the company’s product  so much he bought I-T! Youch, just nicked myself; Hya!

As I for one was seriously looking forward to tracking Yano’s progress next year, albeit I  should leave it to the expert Ryan of Junior Open Wheel Talent instead, eh? As you can check out the aforementioned Christopher Yano’s second visit to Autosport Radio here - so check it out...