Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Rosa Luna

Ironically, I penned the story about Rafael Sperfico’s death this past Friday, thus it was with great sadness that I learned of Rosa Luna’s much too early death upon being struck by an errant motor vehicle last Thursday.

Ok, I realize that its NOT the same thing as a Human being passing away, nor does it compare to the current atrocities occurring in the world, yet Rosa Luna was special to me.

Most likely (If you’re still reading?) are probably wondering just who the Hell is Rosa Luna? Well she was a fantastic German Sheppard/Cattle Dog mix whom accompanied Mary Ellen during her far too short existence on this planet.

Also sometimes known as LUNA-TIC, Luna was an amazing animal, whose unbridled spirit brought great amusement and joy to those who came in contact with her.

Having just made the trek to Canada this past week, I had the privilege of going for one last glorious walk in the woods with Luna, whom truly loved to run as fast as possible and play with anybody or any animal that she came into contact with. Even having gone into the cold Frasier River several times on our “Walk About.”

As I lay down for my evening’s slumber, I had to laugh be-smerchingly at that DAMN Dog, while wiping the dirt left from the day’s trek when Luna had sneakily laid down upon my temporary bedding, as Luna was always the Boss!

Thus it was with great sadness that I received the telephone call Saturday afternoon from the Great White North informing me of Luna’s untimely death, as she was still only a pup in spirit and perhaps two years old?

And I know it’s not how Elvis intended;

but “I’ll have a Blue, Blue Christmas without you: Luna!