Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Formula One's Australian Foopah'

Apparently the Powers to Be Down Under got stuck in the Molasses of the Honey Badgers?

By now, even if you're Underneath a Rock, you still know that All Motor Racing has gone Full Stop due to the Corona Virus, or Covid 19 Pandemic sweeping thou Globe.

As the most seriously affected event over the beginning of the Open wheel Racing weekend's Calendar was Formula 1. For which I was simply Bamboozled over the apparent refusal of the FIA to Postpone the Australian Grand Prix on the basis of announcing that 324,000 Spectators had attended last year's event over four days; Aye Karumba!

And F1's indecision after One of McLaren's Personnel tested Positive for Covid 19 on the Eve of the Grand Prix commencing was simply unconscionable!

Not to mention that it was reported hours prior to the Keystone Cops finally telling everybody to Go Home! That 'lil Syd viddle and his         Pal Kimi The Original Iceman Raikkonen had left the Albert Park venue at 6AM Friday morning! Which the BBC Noted while the Event still hadn't been Publicly Scrapped; CRIKEYS!

And Gasp! Am I really gonna say this? Especially since when Uncle Bernaughty was at the Helm, his Decree always was The Show Must G-O On! But now sagely notes that the FIA simply left Thar Decision too late!

Whilst Golden Child, nee Lewis Hamilton is being Hailed as a Clairvoyant "Hero" for pronouncing the reason F1 was trundlin' on towards Hosting the Australian Grand Prix was simply because "Cash is King!" Which although Absolutely true, it's simply Rich coming from presumably the Highest Paid F1 Driver on the Grid!

And while I totally understand that the Corona Virus is a far More Serious matter then the Fans being Hoodwinked by the ineptitude of the FIA, Liberty Media and the Race Promoter, nonetheless, things obviously could have been handled far better. Since why does this whole Shemozzle make me think it reeks shades of Michelin-Gate at the 2005 USGP!

As Hopefully Formula 1 will do Far Better whenever it returns, potentially at Zandvoort. Although I'm Not impressed hearing 'bout giving special Dispensation to Red Bull to Drive upon the Beach just so they Don't have to be Delayed in Traffic like the Paying Customers Do!

Whilst conflicting reports continue, saying that now perhaps even the Azerbaijan Grand Prix in Baku in early June won't happen. But who really knows?