Monday, September 28, 2015

Baseball's Sporting legend Yogi Berra Dies

By now, certainly Y'all have learned of the great Yogi Berra, a multi-times world champion winning catcher's death last Tuesday, Sept 22 at the age of 90. As the Hall of Famer player, manager and iconic character, who had a cartoon made after him - was as  Speed Freaks Kenny Sargent would say, legendous' in more ways than one.

While his exploits in baseball and life - where the diminutive catcher was staunch enough to hold fast to his beliefs, including not setting foot in Yankees Stadium for 14yrs after being fired ineptly by George Steinbrenner, are chronicled in;

Yet I too, found myself with a smile on my face after reading his twenty best Yogi-isms', for which he leaves his indelible mark upon us with, having smiled over the one about Yogi meeting the Pope. When asked what he said to the Pope, Yogi retorted: Hi Pope. Chuh-ching!

Thus when Y'all get to that inevitable Fork in life; Err the Road, you'd better take it! As its Déjà Vu all over again...