Monday, December 22, 2014

Alfa Romeo returns to America

If you're an Alfisti Aficionado, then you'll already know this, as  I haven't actually had 'Lucy, (my Screen-reader) read the entire story to Mwah yet, although it seems like a 'Wee bit of the previous story's Fiero remarks  of what happens when cutting corners by raiding the parts bins, eh? Although carbon fibre driver tubs aren't exactly new, a la the McLaren MP4-12C's "Monocell" comes to mind, albeit obviously the new Alfa Romeo 4C isn't targeted for that market.

And who can blame the dreaded "Bean Counters"  for rummaging thru  FIAT's newest  member Chrysler's bits; Hmm? Why does this  make me think of Lee Iacocca and that recalcitrant Alfa Romeo IndyCar 'lump that gave 'Ol 'Hollywood (Danny Sullivan) a bunch of gray hairs...

Deciding to launch the 4C at a base price of $55,000 means the new Alfa definitely isn't in McLaren's zip code, but for that amount of Dinero, obviously we're NOT talking Dodge Dart market segment either, and hopefully the Alfa won't be chastened overly deficient, ergo Fiero, whose manufacturer tried a similar fait accompli! 

For other Automobili stories of winter's past, Y'all may enjoy the following, for which I'm NOT comparing Alfa's newest ride too in any way, shape, form or size! As I'd like Alfa Romeo to flourish here in America!

And I certainly doubt our latest Alfa stateside will join the list of shame, a la its cousin Maserati's Biturbo did, without even mentioning that great diamond in the rough, aka the Chrysler TC by Maserati; Hooah!