Thursday, February 1, 2024

The Tomaso files: How Blogging Saved my Life!

Tomaso with His favourite Hoond’ Hang 10’ Hilo at one of His favourite Beaches upon Ye Oregonian Coast. (The Tomaso Collection)


Although I cannot describe how much Blogging has become a daily ritual in my life to Y’all. Or how much I enjoy the physicality of typing words on a keyboard…


Having religiously poonded’ out riveting Blog stories here upon No Fenders for over 17 years now, it’s funny what I’ve divulged and kept to myself All of those years. Since I’m always leery of putting too much info on Al Gore’s wonderous invention, Hya!


Yet I was somewhat bemused when recently Googling my name to instantly learn what city I currently live in, my age and former cities I’ve resided in. Not to mention apparently my address, phone number and email address…


No “Life’s a Bowl of chocolates” analogies here! But it is amazing what we Humans allow to cause stress in our daily lives! As stress has to be one of the largest killer, Righto? Along with coronary Heart disease!


Moving into my Bungalow by the Sea in Bumfiddle’ Florence, ironically on the very same day that thee Young wicky’, ergo Robert Wickens suffered His Horrendous accident at Pocono! Upon establishing a new “General Practitioner,” (Primary Care Physician) I was surprised when He told me that I had a Heart murmur. Before He performed an EKG during my initial exam visit along with ordering an Echo Cardiogram.


Being Blind, have I mentioned that lately, Y’all? I depend upon verbal or electronic information, since naturally I cannot read written information. And not being informed of the My Chart electronic patient portal system back then. Along with my “GP” not saying a Bloody word! I never knew the results of said Echo Cardiogram…


Thus I went about my daily life and merrily blogging away, totally clueless over what Heart palpitations or what is also known as Arrythmia was. And when I had these random, sporadic palpitations over the next several years. I foolishly said it was just my Heart murmur talking to me…


Fast forwarding to last Fall. A Fortnight following Marcus Ericsson’s birthday, in the middle of the night I awoke to the longest, most severe episode of Heart palpitations I’d ever had, lasting over an hour! Although I had gotten creeped out listening to the Cabinet of Curiosities book about harvesting Body parts to extend one’s life expectancy over 100 years that evening…


The next few days I wound myself up into a frenzied lather trying to poond out copious blog stories for your consumption whilst on Holiday Up North Eh celebrating another milestone birthday.


Furiously Poondin’ away on my No Fenders five part Triple Crown Sports Cars winners tome. For which I’m happy to say after the fact, was some of the most read blog stories last Fall! Which makes it somewhat worthwhile.


Yet ultimately the stress this put upon my ‘Ol ticker’, for which I could feel my chest tightening wasn’t a good thing! Especially since I have No set deadlines to publish anything! Other than the internal deadlines I set upon myself…


Five nights later after “watching”, Err listening to Who’s Coming to dinner on Turner Classic Movies. (TCM) Ironically Spencer Tracy’s final Film, dying of a massive Heart attack 17 days after filming ended. I had my second, and far worse Arrythmia episode! Lasting intermittingly from late evening to early nextmorning, Holy Heart Palpitations Batman!


Calling my GP’s office and saying I wanted to see a Cardiologist Stat! A triage Nurse phoned me later that evening during dinner and asked me what my symptoms were?


After a long silent, pregnant pause. She asked are you Married? Do you have a Girlfriend? A Boyfriend? Before informing me they All would have said Dial 911 immediately!


She then said that my Doctor had a next day appointment available and could I make it? To which I did so, since obviously my two elongated episodes of Heart palpitations, especially the second one scared the Crap outta me!


My Doctor, whose actually just a “PA” (Physician’s Assistant) told me He still heard my Heart murmur during my exam. And then ordered a second Echo Cardiogram nearly some five years later. Along with the wearing of a 14-day Heart monitor.


Now here’s where it begins getting Funny, HaHa! Having asked my GP if it was Ok to where my Heart monitor Up North Eh! To Oh Kanaduh’ to celebrate my birthday. He said they’ve got Hospitals in Canada, where are you going? Into the Bushes? As I had no idea He was a comedian some five years later…


Scheduling called me for my Echo Cardiogram and began by saying they were booked way out into mid-December. Wait a minute, we’ve just had a cancellation, can you come on Sunday, October 1st? I’ll take it! Being less than a week since I’d seen my Doctor…


Amazingly, and She recognized me immediately when “Fetching” me, presumably since I’m one of the very few individuals in our sleepy Seaside town who utilizes a white cane. It was the same Female technician who’d done my previous Echo Cardiogram at the beginning of 2019. And Alarm Bells instantly began ringing when She told me to tell Her what’s going on and why was I there?


Needless to say, I was stunned to learn during the course of an Hour’s plus thorough exam, that I had progressed from moderate to severe Aortic stenosis, SHIT!


Since All my doctor had told me during that prior exam was that I was in the prime age bracket for Male’s having Heart disease, and He could still hear my murmur…


Ten days later, I returned to the same building to have my Heart monitor installed. For which was another new experience for Mwah! And after having my chest shaved by a Female Nurse. When applying the monitor with it’s two adhesive strips directly above my Heart.


She said out loud I’m going to send the instruction booklet home with you, before looking at me and my white cane and wondering out loud if I could read it?


And as I’ve said above, I cannot read written material on my own. I am able to scan printed text into my computer and have it converted into OCR format. Optical Character Recognition which my Gal’ “Zoey the Princess Warrior!” My current Zoomtext Fusion Screen Reader voice can read to me.


She said She’d just go over the booklet’s main “Talking Points” verbally with me instead. To which I said, even if I wasn’t Blind. I’m Colour blind, so I have zero clue how I’d discern whether or not the monitor’s light was steady green or blinking orange, even if I could see it?


To which she replied, and I kid Yuhs not! She sardonically told me that was above Her pay grade, She’s just the installer and I should call the booklet’s 1-888 phone number…


Then I asked Her my one silly question before being released. Telling Her how a one certain precocious Hoond known fondly as Hang 10’ Hilo likes to lay sitting upright fully reclined against my chest and sleep in this position! Resting against my chest, I wanted to know if the Heart monitor would be picking up double Heart beats? Since I can hear Hilo’s heart beat when He lays against me like this. To which She assured me that the Heart monitor would only pick-up my Heart beat.


The other silly thing about wearing said Heart monitor for 14-days is that yes, you can take showers whilst wearing it. But you may do so only with the water on your backside, since obviously the monitor cannot get wet.


Being Blind, this was simply a recipe for Disaster! Like I can “See” where the water’s hitting me Sister!


And “So It goes”. Although I’ll never know, and have long since stopped trying to guess what triggered my two extensive, elongated Heart palpitation episodes five days apart. Suffice it to say. I believe without having gotten wound-up trying to finish those five blog stories and having “triggered” these two episodes. I’d never have known that I had a serious Heart condition!