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The long forgotten 2012 Ford Microstang by
Microsoft and West Coast Customs. (Image source: .topspeed.com)
Customer Support? What Customer's, we're Microsoft,
Actually, I suppose I should be glad for the
recent Shenanigan's 'O Microsoft, for which I'm calling E-E-E! E' lection-Gate!
When the BASTARDOES at micro-SOFT inadvertently(?) Buggered hundreds 'O
thousand's of people's micro-SOFT winDOUGhs' products without any warning
unusable by making our software's Macro Setting's inexplicably QUIT working;
As a legally Blind Wurd Botcherer' who lives Faux-nautically
thru a Screen Reader cleverly named Lucy, I know when Microsoft's rolling a
major winDOUGhs update by listening to the robotic voice telling me do NOT Turn
Off your Confuzer; Err Computer monotone warning with the muted blue death
screen illuminating thou room, which is exactly what happened late Wednesday
evening, Nov 9th, when I should have been logged off for the night...
As any of uze astute No Fenders readers will
have noticed long ago, I utilize Speelchequor frenetically Hares' in
Nofendersville; Hya! Which maked's I-T somewhat funny that I first learned of
these Hooliganism's when trying to run said feature and was totally Cornfuzed
by Lucy reading me an ERROR message Dialogue box telling me the programme I was
trying to run needs Macro Settings for which have been Disabled, as the system Administrator
failed to select the Somme-thun-ruther' Blahity-blah before I glazed over
saying What thee Fuck?
And then Shuhzamm! I could NO longer open any
MS word documents either due to the totally unknown to Mwah Macro Setting
issue, meaning NO more riveting BLOB stories, for which I immediately jumped on
Thy Batfone' and called No Fenders Blogmeister Miguel el Pronto crying HELP!
As there's absolutely ZERO reason that
micro-SOFT should Bugger up software
programmes regardless of the fact that I'm using an O-L-D, dated version of
their venerable software!
As seriously? While trying to keep this somewhat short,
Miguel shouldn't have needed to Restore my system back to the previous
"Blockpoint" update, i.e. Nov 4th after trying to troubleshoot via
other user's via Zed Internetz' telling us how to fix this nefarious macro settings
change which seemed to have a 50% success rate, naturally yours truly NOT
working; URGH!
Then my system ran thru a very weird update
scenario for several hours which shouldn't have occurred, and then when
thinking HA-HA, NOT! That it was fixed, Parkay, butter! Internetz EXPLODER' was
still not working fully, surprise? And mOOhzillah/Firefox wouldn't open 'cause
it couldn't load the XPCOS File; H-U-H, what the? A-L-L of witch thankfully
only cost me a day's usage, with Blogmeister Miguel totally saving my backside;
Err bacon!
As I-T probably
won't appear so, but this day being lost made me realize how I simply spend too
mucho time on ze Machine! And how I need to focus upon myself instead, and try
doing like the Formula 1 drivers routinely quip 'bout controlling only the things'
they can control...
Alas, this nefarious Hooliganism by those
DASTARDLY micro-SOFT winDOUGhs Coder Boffins made me immediately think 'bout
another prime example of their misguided exploits I'd just recently viewed,
albeit at a trot's pace, so the matt-black paint-job just looked like a big
B-L-O-B to Mwah as we sauntered past on our latest trek to Americre's Car
Museum, which is another story ah-waitin' harvesting in Nofendersville...
With Ye blob in Questione being the
Microstang', a 2012 Ford Mustang fully kitted out with Microsoft's
revolutionary winDOUGhs 8 future-ware, Y'all remember that?
As I specifically had said Confuzer I'm
typing on this "Scratch-built" in order to utilize Windows 7, since
being blind doesn't really interface very well with touch screen colour coded
"tiles," especially if you're colour-blind Yuhs BASTARDOES!
As I'll
wholeheartedly agree with Auto Guide's scribe above, that I-T certainly weren't
NO work 'O art, as I just kinda shook my head before gettin' cranked UP over
winDOUGhs 8! By sayin' we could keep going, since they'd ruined another
Alas, although I-T probably won't appear so
over the following weeks, since I was FOOLISHLY goin' Balls-to-Duh-Walls
trying' to poond out stories, whilst watchin' Thy readership "Clicks"
dramatically fall, having NO 'Puter and learning of Pixie-the-Wonderdog"
scaring us by not eating for two days solid; SHEISA! You naturally take a step
back from the precipice and ask yourself what's really important in life?
Brian Schmetzer
now and again, you need a little bit of a mental break"
(Source: seattletimes.com)
As Messer
Schmetzer is Seattle's other Football coach, the only Seattle team I'm following
right now, as wouldn't I-T be ironic if the Rave Green went A-L-L thee way
after its first head coaching change in the current Sounders FC Franchise's
Hence, I'll just post the stories I'd already
hammered out prior to E 'lection-Gate, before throttlin' back somewhat, meaning
the Twelve Dazes 'O Carmania will slide into next year, but I'll definitely
post the montage 'O wonderful London Motor Museum pictures taken by Claire this
past summer in the near future...