Friday, January 6, 2023

Andretti Joins IMSA’s GTP Party, Next F1?

Although we won’t See any “tangible” Changes until 2024…


Why did that ‘Ol Leonard Cohen song First We Take Manhattan, then Berlin song come to mind when beginning to scribble this? Yuhs know; like Andrettie Global, First We Take GTP, then the World? Oh Never Mind…


Otay, so it’s old news now that Mikey A’ and His eponymous Andretti Global Empire, Err Andretti Autosport bought an Ownership Stake in Wayne Taylor Racing in order to join the IMSA GTP category. With the new outfit being named Wayne Taylor Racing with Andretti Autosport.


Geez! Like did Mikey and Wayne just try stealing from Dale Coyne’s Vanna I wanna Buy A Vowel Alphabet Soup naming brigade? As I’ll try calling it Double A with WTR for Short. Since Marshall Pruett says AA is some other organization…


As nothing changes for 2023, with WTR remaining at it’s current Brownsburg, Indiana Shop and running it’s No. 10 Acura ARX-06 GTP Prototype and No. 93 Acura NSX GT3 Evo22 GTD programs virtually unchanged this year.


But where things get interesting is obviously next year. Since everybody and their Puppy Dawgs’ just cannot see how Double A with WTR, or perhaps better instead, WTR-Andretti Doesn’t Morph into a two car Acura GTP operation. Not to mention surely a trip to Circuit de la Sarthe will be on the calendar for 2024.


Thus the only racing series currently left off of Michael Andretti’s Bucket list is le Crème de la Crème. A la Formula 1.


Which leads me to my bit of pure 100% Speculation. Especially since the Head of the FIA, Mohammed Ben Sulayem has just announced He wants the FIA to explore creating the process for Expressions of Interest for New Teams wishing to enter Formula 1. Which notably includes Andretti Global’s wishes to become Formula One’s 11th F1 Constructor El Pronto!


If this process is opened in time for the 2024 F1 Season? Then I’d Arse-sume that Andretti Global would be utilizing a le Reggie’, Err Renault Power Unit. (PU) But with Andretti’s new Mega 575,000 Square Foot compound in Fishers, Indiana not coming “Online” until 2025, is that the earliest Andretti could go racing in Formula 1?


And now cementing themselves to another Honda programme, albeit Acura branded Sports Cars. Along with Honda having recently announced a possible interest to returning to Formula 1 when the new 2026 Engine Formulae begins. Could Mikey A’s Andretti Global become the new Honda “Flagship” in Formula 1?


Obviously, only time will tell, and I’m just making some very large, Uhm, I cannot See where I’m Holding my Paint Roller at, Splat!



Naturally, a day after I’d Uploaded this story, Mikey A’ Dropped His latest bombshell with the announcement of partnering with General Motors (GM) and it’s Cadillac Brand for a proposed Formula 1 entry. With the announcement being made shortly after Mohamed Ben Sulayem’s tweeted His desire for the FIA to come up with a process for Expressions of Interest for future F1 entrants.


As Michael Andretti confidently said He believes this is the last Box to Tick, bringing a major Automobile Manufacturer to Formula 1 in order to push His desired Andretti Global’s 11th F1 Constructor Bid over the Finish line. Although it won’t happen next year, and seems likely to be aimed towards the 2026 F1 Season, when new Power Units are introduced…