Thursday, August 9, 2012

Riding duh Rails - Again...

Since I’m ARSE-suming that Grizzled ‘Journo Joe Saward has gone fishing for the August F1 break; I too am on another Holiday adventure of my own... Thus, by now hopefully you’re humble No Fenders scribe will have ridden another Amtrak Cascadian train Up North Eh! Along with having Been whisked away in the latest NoFenderz Fleet automotive acquisition; Team O.M.F.G ‘KanaDuh’s “A-Team” Dodge van and resting ‘N relaxing in an undisclosed “Safe house” somewherez in ‘EastVan prior to attending the Dead Can Dance concert... And hence, I’ll be incommunicado for the next week - planning to return to thee Internetz next Thursday...